How to go beyond Hacktoberfest?


Kurian Benoy


October 1, 2019

Hacktoberfest Logo

Lot of folks I know are Open source contributors because of one crazy reason, Hacktoberfest. It’s perfectly okay to get a cool T-shirt shipped from America, grab swags and claim to be an Open source Developer.

Just contribute to Open source and opportunities will fly towards you

This is perfectly justified by a number of people who has done great things just by contributing to Open source. Read Vishnu Ko experience in Open source and how he is now a Software Developer at Zulip(which pays him handsomely as well).

Vishnu Experience

When you are properly contributing to Open source. There is a number of things to consider like from properly formulating git commit messages(, to communication between team members, etc.

Try to learn more on how to get into GSoC by properly contributing to Open source like following the steps here.