Advent of Code is a yearly contest for programming puzzles which is being held every year. I would like to thank Eric Wastl for making Advent of Code quite awesoeme.
PS: Spoilers ahead, please don’t read ahead if haven’t solved puzzles Day 1-5 already 🤞.
I would be trying to write and optimise my code for readability, and avoid use of any external libraries(except python standard library).
Day 1
## Part1
input = []
with open('input1.txt') as f:
for k in f.readlines():
for i in input:
for j in input:
if (i+j)==2020:
## Part 2
for i in input:
for j in input:
for k in input:
if (i+j+k)==2020:
The part 2 is super slow and takes a lot of time to run
from collections import Counter
texts = []
valid = 0
with open('input/input2.txt') as f:
for k in f.readlines():
text = (k.split(':')[1]).strip()
a = k.split(':')[0]
key = a.split()[1]
ans = a.split()[0]
start = a.split('-')[0]
end = ans.split('-')[1]
ans_counter = Counter(text)
if int(start)<=ans_counter[key]<=int(end):
# if (text[int(start)-1]==key)^(text[int(end-1]==key):
valid += 1
print(f"No of valid passwords: {valid}")
lines = []
with open('input/input3.txt') as f:
for data in f.readlines():
print(len(lines), len(lines[0]))
SLOPES = [3, 1]
trees = 0
i,j = 0,0
l = 0
for _ in range(len(lines)-1):
i = i +1
j = j+3
if lines[i][j%len(lines[i])-1]=="#":
trees += 1
print("No of trees", trees)
## Part 2
import fileinput
from utils import aoc_timer
# def solution():
slopes = [(1,1), (3,1), (5,1), (7,1), (1,2)]
pattern = []
for line in fileinput.input("input/input3.txt"):
ans =1
for (dc, dr) in slopes:
r = 0
c = 0
score = 0
while r< len(pattern):
c += dc
r += dr
if r<len(pattern) and pattern[r][c%len(pattern[r])] == "#":
score +=1
ans *= score
print(f"Tree with slope:{dc,dr} with {score}")
print(f"part2 answer: {ans}")
import re
from utils import aoc_timer
def textinput():
with open("input/input4.txt") as file:
line = [x.strip() for x in file.readlines()]
return line
def solve_valid_passport(passport_dump):
p1 = 0
p2 = 0
passport = {}
count = 0
for x in passport_dump:
if x != "":
for p in x.split():
key, value = p.split(":")
passport[key] = value
count += 1
valid = True
for field in ['byr', 'iyr', 'eyr', 'hgt', 'hcl', 'ecl', 'pid']:
if field not in passport:
valid = False
if valid:
p1 +=1
# print(f"Pass1: all fields {valid}")
if not (1920<=int(passport['byr'])<=2002):
valid = False
if not (2010<=int(passport['iyr'])<=2020):
valid = False
if not (2020<=(int(passport['eyr']))<=2030):
valid = False
# print(passport['hgt']) # check for cm/inch
if passport['hgt']:
if passport['hgt'].endswith('cm'):
val = int(passport['hgt'][0:passport['hgt'].find('cm')])
if not (150<=val<=193):
valid = False
elif passport['hgt'].endswith('in'):
val = int(passport['hgt'][0:passport['hgt'].find('in')])
if (val<59) and (val>76):
valid = False
# print(f"Pass2 - height & eyr&byr&iry: {valid}")
if(passport['ecl'] not in ['amb', 'blu', 'brn', 'gry', 'grn', 'hzl', 'oth']):
valid = False
if(passport['hcl'].startswith("#")==False) or (len(passport['hcl'])!=7):
valid = False
p = re.compile("[0-9a-f]")
if p.match(passport['hcl'].strip("#"))==None:
valid =False
# print(f"Pass3 - after Eye colour & Hair colour:{valid}")
pid = passport['pid']
if len(pid) != 9 or any([c not in '0123456789' for c in pid]):
valid = False
# print(f"Pass4 - after pid:{valid}")
if valid:
p2 += 1
print("Answer:1", p1)
print("Answer: 2", p2)
return p1,p2
if __name__ == "__main__":
passport_dump = textinput()
Day 5
import fileinput
from utils import aoc_timer
def seat_matrix_transform(seat_matrix):
seat_ids = []
for seat in seat_matrix:
b1 = str.replace(seat[:7], "F", "0")
b2 = str.replace(b1, "B", "1")
row = int(b2, 2)
b3 = str.replace(seat[7:], "R", "1")
b4 = str.replace(b3, "L", "0")
col = int(b4, 2)
seatid = row * 8 + col
return seat_ids
@aoc_timer(day=5, part=1, year=2020)
def solve1():
seat_matrix = list(x.strip("\n") for x in fileinput.input("input/input5.txt"))
seat_ids = seat_matrix_transform(seat_matrix)
print("Maximum seat id:", max(seat_ids))
@aoc_timer(day=5, part=2, year=2020)
def solve_part2():
seat_matrix = list(x.strip("\n") for x in fileinput.input("input/input5.txt"))
seat_ids = seat_matrix_transform(seat_matrix)
# print(seat_ids)
for i, d in enumerate(seat_ids):
print("Our seat", d-1)
if __name__ == "__main__":