My daily fitness routine


Kurian Benoy


March 6, 2023

Stable diffusion image generated with prompt Very muscular man, photograph quality, ultra detailed

Hello everyone, I just thought of sharing my daily fitness routine which I have been following for the past 1 month. Previously I had written about How I lost almost 4Kgs in 3 weeks - my wegiht loss Journey. I want to continue this journey, even though just after writing that post I gained a lot of kilos and I couldn’t follow everything I mentioned in that article.

So this time, I am with a new routine:

During morning I go to gym and do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for 30-45 minutes. In the gym I go, this usually consists of 8 stations of 3 minutes exercises followed by 30 seconds rest. The first four stations are vary day after day, followed by a challenge which changes every week. After this I do boxing, followed by two more stations of 3 minutes exercises which usually are floor exercises.

In evening I go for a walk for 45-60 minutes after my work. I usually try to walk almost 4 kilometers and monitor my progress in Strava app. I usually walk in the roads near my home till a paddy field and then return back. My usual pace is 4.5-6 km/h and I cover one kilometer in approximately 11-12 minutes.

Some of you might be wondering why I am sharing this, well I am sharing this as I want to document my fitness progress. Looking back, I myself can look at things I did and see how I progressed. I also want to share this with others who are interested.